About Josh
Josh grew up just outside of Boulder, CO. His interest in imagery began at a young age. The ability to share a story without ever saying any words was captivating. Josh grew up with a travel savvy family and found his images were the best way to help cement a story. He got his own camera shortly before traveling solo around the world. Armed with a new tool, this is how the passion formed. Josh considers himself a photographer and an adventure climber. His imagery is fueled by sharing these passions. He considers himself a ‘forever climber’, eager to explore. Josh believes imagery is a beautiful form of sharing and through it creates stories, emotions and truths. His hunger for a meaningful life has led him to live full time out of a self converted van. Josh is a freelance photographer, excited about taking on new opportunities, pushing limits and meeting new people. If you are interested in collaborating please reach out to joshbenderphotography@gmail.com to connect.